"Samjin Amook", the leading company of Fishcake industry.

Having several Amook masters makes SamJin Amook differentiate from other companies in its field. The average length of service of its employee are more than 20 years. There is a master who works in SamJin Amook for more than 40 years. Masters in SamJin Amook lead Amook Bakery Business. They are much more efficient than machine production in small quantity batch production like Amook Bakery business. Since Amook is still perceived as an unsanitary product, SamJin Amook prioritizes high standard of sanitation system. SamJin Amook strictly and precisely manage and organize vegetables, and other sub-ingredients by its date to prevent low level of freshness or low-quality ingredients being used for product of SamJin Amook. The manufacturing plant and all employees are obligated to maintain the highest sanitation level at all costs. Especially, SamJin backery in Busan Yong-Do branch has an open kitchen which allows consumers to witness the manufacturing process of SamJin Amook ...